Project Jugaad

The Dean's List

The staff have now received all the projects and are currently selecting the best four presentations for The Dean's List. Every group will receive feedback on their project from their respective supervisor, however, those groups on The Dean's List will be asked to produce a video of their presentations in which they narrate their slides. These 4 presentations will be put on line to get comments from the public before being judged.

Represent your City

With pupils from different cities, we hope you are able to get a sense of the different cultures and customs that students in other cities are experiencing.

The Mandela Award is for the individual that produces a 5 minute video that best represents their city and school to other pupils. Entries received so far include the following video from Victoria and Audrey about life in Singapore:


OncePart of the aim of this project is to help you learn to collaborate with people in an international environment. It is not always easy to work together when you have members of your team in different time zones and unable to discuss ideas easily. We want to see how your team has achieved your outcome so the BR Chopra prize goes to the team that produces the best 5 minute video documenting how they completed the project.

Task 1

DEADLINE 10th MAY 2014

i) Once you have received the e-mail addresses for the other members of your group, establish contact with each other and decide how best to communicate for the rest of the project (e-mail, BBM, facebook, Skype, Twitter).

ii) Amongst yourselves, decide who will fill each of the following roles: 

Project Manager, Chief Researcher, Digital Engineer, Communications Director (see descriptions here)

iii) Your group will have been allocated a letter. You need to come up with a team name that begins with this letter and design a logo.

iv) Discuss and research ideas for your Research Project into the the role of Mathematics in Green Technology - remember you can look at the presentation for some ideas or do something else that interests you. Be as creative as you can, this is your chance to show off to future employers!

v) Download and complete the Research Project Proposal below and e-mail to your coordinator. This needs to be received by 10th May 2014 so you will need to make good progress.

Jugaad Proposal.docx Jugaad Proposal.docx
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Type : docx
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